MW3 Dev is asking for help with low score

Modern Warfare 3 has gained a surprisingly low score on Metacritic and one of the devs asked for help changing that from fans of the game. Amplify’d from Glen Schofield, developer on Activision’s Modern Warfare 3, had taken to Twitter asking for fans of the game to help boost the surprisingly low Metacritic score…

Apple iPad 2 – Annoucement?

Amplify’d from Because of a swarm of unverified rumors hovering around the iPad 2, there was some understandable skepticism when news came out that Apple might possibly be having a March 2 event to unveil the iPad 2. Kara Swisher at All Things Digital broke the story, citing unnamed sources, and at first glance it seemed like it might…

New RAGE gameplay trailer paints a generic ‘wasteland,’

Amplify’d from The Fallout/Borderlands/Mad Max/etc. setting is decidedly uninspiring (calling it ‘The Wasteland’ almost seems like an intentional joke), but the world’s id-Tech-5-powered vibrancy, the quality of id’s character designs and animations, and the promise of shooting stuff in the head and driving buggies through explosions all holds our interest more than well enough:…