Apple iPad 2 – Annoucement?

Amplify’d from Because of a swarm of unverified rumors hovering around the iPad 2, there was some understandable skepticism when news came out that Apple might possibly be having a March 2 event to unveil the iPad 2. Kara Swisher at All Things Digital broke the story, citing unnamed sources, and at first glance it seemed like it might…

HAMMERHEAD HMR989 shatters traditional PC design.

An amazing mod with an inventive design. Amplify’d from HAMMERHEAD HMR989 shatters traditional PC design. The HAMMERHEAD HMR989 PC is offered by DARWINmachine, a design firm in San Francisco, CA. I would have guessed the HMR989′s creator, Matthew Kim had background in race car engineering. I found the overall design reminiscent of a modified…